Therapy Services — Health in Tandem | Mental Health Therapy in Lakeview, Chicago
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Therapy in Lakeview

Feeling hesitant about therapy? Not sure whether you and your therapist will be a good fit? These are completely normal feelings to experience. We offer free, 15-minute phone consultations to help calm these nerves, hear your initial concerns, and answer any of your questions.

Individual Therapy

Therapy offers a safe space for you to explore what is currently happening in your life, including what is, and is not, working for you. Whether you’re coming in with a formal diagnosis, or you’re coming to us knowing that you’re feeling stuck, feeling down, or just not feeling like yourself, our therapists are here to help. In session, we are not passive - we won’t be blank slates, and in fact we pride ourselves on being therapists who can offer insight, feedback, and psychoeducation in session. During our sessions, we will work together to create an outline for treatment based on the primary struggles that you bring up, set goals to work on those struggles, and monitor progress.


Being in a healthy relationship comes with many challenges. We don’t all have relationship role models to teach us how to successfully interact in our own romantic relationships. Not to mention, past unhealthy experiences can often influence the ways in which we show up in our relationships today. Couples therapy offers a space for you and your partner to engage with one another in a safe, collaborative, and healing way. Our therapists will teach you and your partner how to communicate and manage conflict, as well as guide you and your partner toward a more loving, nurturing, and healthy relationship.

Group Therapy

It can be incredibly healing to hear that you are not alone. When others share similar struggles, it normalizes what you are going through and reminds you that you are human. Group therapy allows individuals to come together to share their struggles, discover new perspectives and ways of coping, and learn how to interact best with others. Our groups are led by a licensed therapist and meet at a set time each week for a set number of consecutive weeks. Before starting in a group, you will complete an intake phone call with the lead therapist in order to determine appropriate fit for the group.  See below for any groups that we are currently running:

At this time, we are not offering any groups.


Performance Consulting in Lakeview

Sport & health Psychology


We recognize that athletes pour their heart and soul into their physical training, but sometimes mental barriers can get in the way of an athlete being able to perform at their best. Learning how to set goals specific to your training, how to shift your focus away from life’s stressors while at practice or during a game, how to be mentally tough, and how to bounce back from an injury are vital skills that help an athlete go from good to unstoppable. Meeting with one of our sport psychology consultants individually, or with your team, can help decrease performance anxiety, increase athletic motivation and resilience, improve team dynamics, and reduce burnout.


Working on your health and fitness goals takes more than just physical training. Learning how to effectively set goals, increase your motivation to move, find a balance of exertion and self-care, and build consistency and sustainability are all mental skills that aid in long-term health success. Meeting with one of our health psychology consultants can help you to stay accountable, excited, and motivated while working toward accomplishing your health goals.

Corporate wellness

Employees and leaders devote a lot of time and energy to their work, which means it is vital for everyone in the workplace to be healthy, satisfied, included, and motivated. Corporate wellness programs are proven to show increased employee attendance, reduced employee stress, improved employee morale, and decreased employee healthcare costs. Our clinicians are able to work with your team around improving communication skills, building leadership skills, identifying values, creating career identity, establishing work-life balance, managing career transitions, coping with difficult work environments, and any other performance-related topic you believe your team might need assistance with. Contact us to find out more about how our clinicians can help you and your team with workplace wellness.


Distant (Virtual) Reiki

There can be times when we feel like we are struggling spiritually and this can transfer over to other aspects of our lives. Reiki is a relaxing practice that promotes healing the imbalances in your life. By receiving Reiki, you will be treating your whole entity: body, mind, emotions, and spirit. This is a safe and natural method of spiritual healing that everyone can use to improve their everyday lives. While Reiki is spiritual in nature, it is not a religion. There is nothing that you need to believe in to receive the benefits of Reiki. Master Mikao Usui, the founder of Reiki, recommends that one practices ethical ideals and promotes peace and harmony in order to receive the benefits of Reiki.