Am I Too Wired?

How Caffeine May be the Conductor on your Anxiety Train

There is something about that morning coffee that sets the day off just right. It symbolizes focus, productivity, confidence, and comfort. Without it, how can you believe that you’ll be successful during the day? The average American drinks around 2.7 to 3 cups of coffee every day, which means that about 400 million cups of coffee per day. That’s a lot of caffeine, which is the predominant reason why so many are dependent on it to get through their day. Yet, what many forget is that caffeine is still considered a drug, it’s just a legal and naturally occurring drug.

Caffeine is a methylxanthine alkaloid that is a stimulant naturally found in certain leaves of plants, seeds, and nuts. It is a stimulant that interacts with the central nervous system to fight off feelings of tiredness and drowsiness by acting as an adenosine receptor antagonist. This means that your brain will essentially use the caffeine to block those receptors telling you you’re tired, or getting tired. With the adenosine receptors blocked, adrenaline production becomes increased due to the excitatory effect on the brain, which means that feeling of ‘fight or flight,’ is precariously toed if you overindulge in one too many lattes.   

A regular 8 ounce cup of coffee has 95 milligrams of caffeine. That isn’t counting the caffeine content of a venti iced what-have-you at those fancy coffee bars that have become a part of your daily routine. For most people who venture to the coffee shops for their favorite pick-me-up treats, caffeine content isn’t even a thing to ask about, because the only thing that is important is taste, and that it gives a much needed boost of productivity power. With the consumption of coffee being primarily motivated by the illusion of better job performance, increased focus, and mental clarity, it is easy to saturate your system with too much of a good thing. 

Over indulging in caffeine can lead to increased anxiety, feelings of unease, sleep disturbances & issues, as well as physical symptoms such as shaking hands, racing heart rate, stomach pain, clammy palms & sweating through your favorite shirt. Coffee is a delicacy, yet powerful enough to alter your physical and mental state to the point of not having a good time. Sleep is way more important to overall brain function than caffeine, in fact, sleep deficits due to caffeine consumption is probably why you are dependent on it in the first place! It’s a vicious cycle, so be mindful of how much, and when you are relishing in the deliciousness that is your caffeinated treat. 

Stefanie M. Bailey