Pets and Wellness
For those of you familiar with me, it should come as absolutely zero surprise that the topic of how much of a value add pets are to our lives is something I am wildly passionate about. About a year ago I brought home my own pup, Sammy, (reference our instagram for some Sammy facts) and I can honestly attest to the genuine boost he has brought to my life. From always being excited to see me when I come home, to cuddling and being my shadow, to our daily walks, Sammy has given me so much. There’s a reason why therapy dogs, emotional support animals, and service dogs are such common supplements to various treatments in the medical and behavioral health field. They truly have such a beneficial impact on our overall health. If I haven’t already convinced you that pets are the backbone of society, keep reading on all the ways pets improve our wellness.
From a purely scientific standpoint, pet owners have lower blood pressure, triglyceride and cholesterol levels than those without pets. Those with pets are less likely to suffer from depression and anxiety and are more equipped to handle stressful situations. Serotonin and dopamine are in abundance when we are playing with our pups which leads to a calming relaxation response. There are sensory benefits too such as petting, cuddling, and the weight of your pet resting on you which are shown to improve anxiety and have a soothing response for our nervous system. All of this to say, we are happier and healthier when we have pets around us.
Pets can help us organize our lives and create a sense of structure which is shown to help with overall mood. I know I can book-end my day by taking Sammy out to go potty and for a walk. This has led to me having a more regular sleep and wake cycle as Sammy has a pretty keen sense of time and will absolutely let me know when it is time to wake up. Also, just as an add on, Sammy wakes me up with cuddles which is hands down the best way to start the day. The sense of responsibility and structure that pets bring us lead to pet owners struggling with anxiety and depression in lesser amounts than those without pets. Pets, specifically dogs, also lead to an overall increase in activity and exercise, much of which is spent outdoors. This extra movement and Vitamin D is crucial to maintaining overall wellness.
The companionship we get from animals is unmatched. Pets are typically extremely generous with their unconditional love. There is no better feeling than coming home and being greeted by someone so genuinely excited by your presence. For those living alone, pets can also be great listeners and can increase our socialization. Pets help us to combat isolation and loneliness through fulfilling our basic human needs of physical touch and mutual affection. Those with pets also are more likely to meet new people and be put in situations with other pet owners who share a common interest and something to talk about. I know I have become much more familiar with my neighbors and Sammy has become quite popular on our street. The boost in self-confidence that comes from having that unconditional love has also helped many to find genuine meaning in life.
It is no secret that we love our pets at Health in Tandem and you may even see some of our pets floating around our office one day! I have included below some Sammy tax for a boost of serotonin to end my spiel.